Irish Weekend Surf Forecast

Irish Weekend Surf Forecast

Forecast for Friday 6th September through to Monday 9th September

Not a blockbuster forecast for the weekend with little swell on the East coast and marginal wind for much of the time. Donegal bay will see more surf options but no epic forecast either. It will be windy on Sunday and Monday giving some wind sport conditions.

East Coast – Dublin Area

Surf Forecast

  • Friday: There is a 1 metre north east wind swell. Maybe just enough to catch something on a foam board. Winds will be from the north east too meaning most spots will be onshore.

  • Saturday: No surf today.

  • Sunday: Not much happening today.

  • Monday: First thing in the morning the charts are showing a 1 metre north swell at 5 seconds that slowly decreases through the day. Winds will be from the WNW giving offshore conditions but there probably won’t be enough swell to get into Dublin Bay.

Wind Forecast

  • Friday: W9-16 knots from the north east for much of the day. Should be enough for big kites, sails or wings.

  • Saturday: Not a lot of wind today.

  • Sunday: Winds starts building from 11am, starting at 10-17 knots and reaching 12-21 knots by 3pm. Potential there for a good session.

  • Monday: 10-19 knots from the WNW for pretty much the whole day. Again with big enough gear it should be a good day on the water.

West Coast – Donegal Bay

Surf Forecast

  • Friday: No real wind today.

  • Saturday: No wind today.

  • Sunday: 14-20 knots from the north at 9am – this will stay fairly constant through the day picking up slightly at around 5pm. Good conditions!

  • Monday: Wind will be generally in the 14-20 knot range from the WNW for the day with a dip in strength around 11am. Plenty to get out windsurfing, winging or kiting.

Wind Forecast

  • Friday: No wind today.

  • Saturday: No wind in the morning but picking up from 1pm. 10-16 knots from the SSE building slightly until 3pm before dropping away again. Should be enough for foiling.

  • Sunday: 10-16 knots from the south east building to 13-19 knots at around 1pm before dropping off again. Should be enough for foil powered craft.

  • Monday: No wind until about 3pm where it picks up to 13-18 knots from the WNW for the evening. Good conditions then though.

NB: This is all subject to change at short notice. This being Ireland weather systems are volatile and a forecast made even the night before can change over night. Hopefully this forecast blog can give a good prediction of what will happen in the days ahead so you can plan the days you look to go on the water but it is always a good idea to check more location specific forecasting models before you go both to know what equipment to bring and for safety.


SSE – South South East
SSW – South South West
NNE – North North East
NNW – North North West
ESE – East South East
ENE – East North East
WSW – West South West
WNW – West North West