Surfing Wetsuits

Looking for a 5mm or hooded wetsuit to stay in the water longer this winter?

Summer Camp

Dublin's best watersports adventure camp is back for summer 2025
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Easter Camp

Start the watersports season with 4 half-days on the water
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We are hiring

Part-time and full-time roles available for watersports instructors for summer 2025.
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New Dryrobe Range

Shop the latest colours & designs from Dryrobe
Shop Dryrobe

Winter Wetsuits Accessories

Gloves Boots

Changing Ponchos

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Surf Shop & Watersports School

If you like to buy from people rather than a faceless corporation, get personal advice instead of a sales pitch, buy high quality products that will stand the test of time and all that at competitive prices - then you have come to the right place!

We have a small team of people who care about watersports just as much as you (or possibly a bit more!) Our goal is to help you find the products that best suit your needs, so you can have the time of your life on the water.